STATISTICS: *** Semantic Analysis Stats: 0 SFINAE diagnostics trapped. Number of memory regions: 0 Bytes used: 0 Bytes allocated: 0 Bytes wasted: 0 (includes alignment, etc) *** Analysis Based Warnings Stats: 0 functions analyzed (0 w/o CFGs). 0 CFG blocks built. 0 average CFG blocks per function. 0 max CFG blocks per function. 0 functions analyzed for uninitialiazed variables 0 variables analyzed. 0 average variables per function. 0 max variables per function. 0 block visits. 0 average block visits per function. 0 max block visits per function. *** AST Context Stats: 73 types total. 60 Builtin types, 24 each (1440 bytes) 4 Complex types, 40 each (160 bytes) 5 Pointer types, 40 each (200 bytes) 1 ConstantArray types, 56 each (56 bytes) 1 FunctionProto types, 40 each (40 bytes) 2 Record types, 32 each (64 bytes) Total bytes = 1960 0/0 implicit default constructors created 0/0 implicit copy constructors created 0/0 implicit move constructors created 0/0 implicit copy assignment operators created 0/0 implicit move assignment operators created 0/0 implicit destructors created Number of memory regions: 2 Bytes used: 4152 Bytes allocated: 8192 Bytes wasted: 4040 (includes alignment, etc) *** Decl Stats: 17 decls total. 1 ExternCContext decls, 72 each (72 bytes) 2 CXXRecord decls, 144 each (288 bytes) 5 Typedef decls, 88 each (440 bytes) 8 Field decls, 80 each (640 bytes) 1 Function decls, 160 each (160 bytes) Total bytes = 1600 *** Stmt/Expr Stats: 1 stmts/exprs total. 1 CompoundStmt, 16 each (16 bytes) Total bytes = 16 STATISTICS FOR 'empty_test_file.cpp': *** Preprocessor Stats: 389 directives found: 386 #define. 0 #undef. #include/#include_next/#import: 2 source files entered. 0 max include stack depth 0 #if/#ifndef/#ifdef. 0 #else/#elif. 0 #endif. 0 #pragma. 0 #if/#ifndef#ifdef regions skipped 0/0/0 obj/fn/builtin macros expanded, 0 on the fast path. 0 token paste (##) operations performed, 0 on the fast path. Preprocessor Memory: 153466B total BumpPtr: 122880 Macro Expanded Tokens: 384 Predefines Buffer: 12786 Macros: 16384 #pragma push_macro Info: 0 Poison Reasons: 1024 Comment Handlers: 8 *** Identifier Table Stats: # Identifiers: 3440 # Empty Buckets: 12944 Hash density (#identifiers per bucket): 0.209961 Ave identifier length: 20.697674 Max identifier length: 39 Number of memory regions: 55 Bytes used: 212240 Bytes allocated: 225280 Bytes wasted: 13040 (includes alignment, etc) *** HeaderSearch Stats: 1 files tracked. 0 #import/#pragma once files. 1 included exactly once. 1 max times a file is included. 0 #include/#include_next/#import. 0 #includes skipped due to the multi-include optimization. 0 framework lookups. 0 subframework lookups. *** Source Manager Stats: 1 files mapped, 1 mem buffers mapped. 3 local SLocEntry's allocated (72 bytes of capacity), 12804B of Sloc address space used. 0 loaded SLocEntries allocated, 0B of Sloc address space used. 14 bytes of files mapped, 0 files with line #'s computed, 0 files with macro args computed. FileID scans: 1 linear, 0 binary. *** File Manager Stats: 1 real files found, 8 real dirs found. 0 virtual files found, 0 virtual dirs found. 10 dir lookups, 9 dir cache misses. 2 file lookups, 2 file cache misses. ===-------------------------------------------------------------------------=== ... Statistics Collected ... ===-------------------------------------------------------------------------===